Important information: Not all cryptocurrency price data is the same. See the rules for more details.
Rules summary for
$1,910 to 1,929.99
If the average of the sixty seconds of CF Benchmarks' Ethereum Real-Time Index (ERTI) before 12 PM EDT, excluding the top 20% and bottom 20% of values is between 1910-1929.99 at 12 PM EDT on Mar 14, 2025, then the market resolves to Yes. Outcome verified from CF Benchmarks.
Not all cryptocurrency price data is the same. While checking a source like Google or Coinbase may help guide your decision, the price used to determine this market is based on CF Benchmarks' corresponding Real Time Index (RTI). At the last minute before expiration, 60 RTI prices are collected. The official and final value is the average of these prices, excluding the top 20% (12) and bottom 20% (12) of collected prices.Note: this event is mutually exclusive.