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Highest temperature in Chicago today?

Feb 20, 2025 (+1)
7h 4m 34s
% Chance

22° to 23°
22° to 23°

24° to 25°
24° to 25°

26° or above
26° or above

3 more markets

Important information: Not all weather data is the same. While checking a source like AccuWeather or Google Weather may help guide your decision, the official and final value used to determine this market is the highest temperature as reported by the relevant NWS Daily Climate Report linked in the rules.

Rules summary for
24° to 25°
If the highest temperature recorded at Chicago Midway, IL for February 20, 2025, is between 24-25° according to the NWS's Daily Climate Report, then the market resolves to Yes. Outcome verified from National Weather Service .
Please be advised to check to see what temperatures have occurred previously in the day. While the market resolves based on the finalized report from the NWS, traders should use other data sources--including other preliminary NWS reporting--to inform their trades. The Last Trading Time will be 11:59 PM ET on February 20, 2025 regardless of any data releases or events occurring. Expiration will occur on the sooner of the first 7:00 or 8:00 AM ET following the release of the data for February 20, 2025, or one week after February 20, 2025. As a reminder, the Underlying is not the NWS NOWData data source. As noted in the Rulebook, for the actual Underlying, please go to the Source Agency link, click on "Observed Weather", then choose "Chicago Midway, IL". Note: this event is mutually exclusive.

Timeline and payout

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Highest temperature in Chicago today?
Buy Yes · 24° to 25°
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