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Highest temperature in Miami today?

Mar 17, 2025 (+1)
4h 56m 05s

76° to 77°

78° to 79°
▲ 11

80° to 81°
▼ 12

3 more markets

Important information: Not all weather data is the same. See the rules for more details.

Rules summary for
78° to 79°
If the highest temperature recorded in Miami, FL for March 17, 2025 as reported by the National Weather Service's Climatological Report (Daily), is between 78-79°, then the market resolves to Yes. Outcome verified from NWS Climatological Report.
Not all weather data is the same. While checking a source like AccuWeather or Google Weather may help guide your decision, the official and final value used to determine this market is the highest temperature as reported by the corresponding NWS Climatological Report (Daily) linked in the rules above. Preliminary NWS reporting and measurement methods may be subject to underlying rounding and conversion nuances. Traders should exercise caution when interpreting preliminary NWS data. Note: this event is mutually exclusive.

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Highest temperature in Miami today?
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