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CPI on gas in February 2025?


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Above 0%
If gas prices increase by more than 0% in February 2025, then the market resolves to Yes. Outcome verified from Bureau of Labor Statistics.

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Inflation is edging down slowly and steadily, as noted by the Consumer Price Index and the Producer Price Index. However, gasoline prices themselves are falling. Gas prices have dropped nearly 20% since peaking at $3.88 a gallon in late September, according to Andrew Gross at AAA. Gasoline demand is down, with fewer people driving after the summer holidays. Additionally, Gross noted that people's driving habits may have changed during the pandemic and when they were paying $5-a-gallon for gasoline. Inflation across the U.S. moderated in November as gas prices fell, suggesting further cooling of most costs and supporting the Federal Reserve's strategy of maintaining higher interest rates for now.
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CPI on gas in February 2025?
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